CJ Property Cleaning Services Ltd provide a bespoke inventory service, that gives you complete peace of mind that on check in and check out your property’s state will be correctly recorded.

This means that any potential disputes can be quickly and professionally resolved and your property   can be restored to its original condition, giving the landlord the reassurance that their property will be fit for purpose to let to new tenants.

What’s included:

Gold standard

A concise and easy to read digital report, that is evidence based with time and date stamped photographs.

Next day service – your digital report will be with you the next working day following the check in/out.

Platinum standard

(recommended on check out)

In addition to Gold Standard

Comparison report to your previous check in inventory, showing pictures taken in same angle/position side by side with the check in/out inventories.

Both digital and hard copy report.

Prices start at £90 for a 1 bedroom property for a Gold standard inventory and £110 for a Platinum standard inventory.

For an accurate quote call 0795 1099 491 or 0777 2313 514.